A Nottingham allotment site destined for change
Here is a Google map showing the Wollaton allotments site location off Russell Drive, which is the A609 road. Take an aerial trip via the Satellite option.
The site is surrounded in its immediate area by residential dwellings and two Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) - Martin's Pond and Harrison's Plantation - which are also designated as SINCs [Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation]. In the wider landscape lies the main railway line and industrial complexes to the north, and the formal surroundings of Wollaton Hall to the south.
The site is not a delivery address so is not allocated a Postcode, but that for the nearest adjacent property next to the the main entrance off Russell Drive (A609) is:-
Grid Reference (main entrance): SK 52429 40068
X: 452429 Y: 340068
Lat: 52.955431 Long: -1.2210247
Altitude: 54 m to 57 m