A Nottingham allotment site destined for change
The Wollaton allotments site is approximately 27 acres (10.8 hectares). It is laid out as 229 plots, of which about 80 are in use. This current low level of uptake of plots is due to a long history of attempts by the owners to sell part of the land, leading to the apparently deliberate neglect of a large part of it and an intermittent policy of not releasing plots for rental.
See the current plot schematic below [click to enlarge]: the redlined area is that proposed for the residential development. Martin's Pond is in the centre, and the Bilborough Brook runs into it from the north-west.
This second image is an aerial view of the site and its immediate surrounds. The redline is the site boundary; the proposed access off Russell Drive at the bottom of the image indicates that one property is to be demolished.
Click to enlarge:
This third image shows the developer's planned usage of land areas. New allotment plots will be smaller than current ones (150 m2 or 250 m2), and approximately 180 will be created; however, the irrefutable fact is that half the gardening area will be lost. It illustrates clearly the division of the allotments into two separate blocks; those in the north will be accessed via the new road through the residential area, while the southern block will be accessed from the allotment avenue via the main gate. Thus, the two blocks of allotments are almost segregated - there will be pedestrian access between the two via the footpaths through the green open space area, which is also designated a playground. It is not clear currently how the allotment boundaries around the open space area will be made secure, and there is concern that these two separated areas increase the potential of further development in the future.
And finally is the Landscape Architect's masterplan of the new site, including residential area, regenerated allotments, public open space and a wildlife area adjoining the Local Nature Reserve. This clearly shows the major diversion of the Bilborough Brook to encompass the open space/play area. The confluence of the Brook with Martin's Pond provides habitat for a European Protected Species, the spined loach, Cobea tinae (image below).
Spined Loach (Cobitis taenia)
Small rare fish protected under:
•Annex II of the EC Habitats & Species Directive
•Appendix II of the Bern Convention Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
Acknowledgement: The Parameter Plan and Masterplan images are contained in the developer's planning application [NCC ref 12/01583/POUT] and in the Appeal submission [Planning Inspectorate ref APP/Q3060/A13/2200191].